Wednesday, March 26, 2008


This is really the first time I've felt moved to start a blog. My purpose here is fairly simple: nail John McCain, Pat Roberts, Jim Ryun, and Lynn Jenkins to the wall with their own words, and, to a lesser extent, excoriate the legislature.

So who am I? I'm, for one, the guy who does most of the stuff on; I'm a Kansan. My family has been here, well, pretty much forever. In the upcoming election, I'm supporting Nancy Boyda, Jim Slattery, and Barack Obama.

This should be a fun election season, and I'm looking forward to a great debate for the unexpectedly swingy state of Kansas.

A few rules here, though. Civility is necessary. I'm not putting up with ad hominems. If you, like Hillary Clinton, can't attack someone's policies without attacking them personally (pointing out hypocrisy excluded) I don't want you here. You can call someone an idiot, but only if you can back up exactly why they're an idiot.

Anyway, more as I have time.

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